Invite to Review GOD GAMES & An Alaskan Inspiration for a MILK RUN SciFi Adventure

OK, I’ll keep this short and sweet. Three things to tell you: I just got back from a wonderful vacation in Alaska that included a scenic train ride between Fairbanks and Anchorage, a lake cruise right up to a calving glacier in Portage and some flying over the marshland ending with stellar air pic of Anchorage and backdrop mountains. That got the writing juices flowing again as I put fingers to keyboard and continued the…

My Writing MILK RUN and Two New Books for Springtime Reading

First of all, a BIG THANK YOU to my MILK RUN Beta readers for your reviews, comments and encouragement.   YES, your feedback has been very helpful . . .  to the point that I have tweaked/reposted a few scenes based on your comments. MILK RUN is currently in the “creation” stage as I write one scene at a time based on an earlier outline that follows the seven basic elements of a classic three…

New SciFi Story- Looking for Beta Readers!

To family, friends, associates, readers, authors, editors, agents . . . . all y’all! Just a short note here to say that after six long years, I’m picking up where I left off on my second SciFi book called MILK RUN and I’m looking for beta readers.  This is a great opportunity to come along for the ride and influence the story!  More on that later.  MILK RUN will be a different book from GOD…

MILK RUN- On To The Story Beats

These last few blog posts, I laid out the bones that forms the skeletal structure of MILK RUN. These are major events in the story: from the Inciting Incident that changes our hero’s life forever; through the point where he decides what he must do; then down to the story’s Low Point where all hope seems lost; followed by the Climax of defeating the bad guys and saving the girl; only to wonder if all…