Quantum Entanglement and SciFi Romance

So, in GOD GAMES, Yahweh is a geeky scientist married to Gwendolyn. Their romance is so deep you can say their relationship follows the Law of Quantum Entanglement. First discussed by Albert Einstein in 1935 then further developed by others, the Law of Quantum Entanglement basically says two separate particles, that have been properly conditioned, will know what the other knows and you can not described one without describing the other.  Applied on a human…

What’s GOD GAMES about?

GOD GAMES is an upside down SciFi retelling of the greatest story ever told where a tech-utopian Heaven has sworn off religion but trouble brews as a new religious movement threatens Heaven’s peaceful society. Now, it all comes down to a secular Yahweh who must fight a losing battle of wits and brawn against an imposing evangelical Lucifer over the fate of humans discovered in a parallel universe.  Yahweh must either defeat Lucifer or suffer…

The Three Most Important Things for A Good SciFi Story- Part 3

So, in my last two posts, I showed you two of the most important things required for a good Science Fiction story: A Bad Romance and A Good Travel Agent.  Together these two elements tell us what’s troubling our hero or heroine; shows us the struggle they must endure to achieve their goal; and allows us to empathize with their pain and disappointments.  So, what’s the third critical thing for a good SciFi story? What…

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