Today is a special day! GOD GAMES, my first FOUR (count’em FOUR) star rated Science Fiction book launched on Amazon/GoodReads. Those stars were hard earned with book reviewers’ quotes like “thought-provoking science fiction story;” and “a well-executed story with much to offer;” and “author includes a fascinating array of futuristic technology: full body 3D printers, soul storage devices, satellites that can affectively teleport you from one place to another;” and “the storyline is fast-paced […]…

Quantum Entanglement and SciFi Romance

So, in GOD GAMES, Yahweh is a geeky scientist married to Gwendolyn. Their romance is so deep you can say their relationship follows the Law of Quantum Entanglement. First discussed by Albert Einstein in 1935 then further developed by others, the Law of Quantum Entanglement basically says two separate particles, that have been properly conditioned, will know what the other knows and you can not described one without describing the other.  Applied on a human…

God Games- A New Book Cover and A Darkside

So, a few weeks ago I asked for your comments and suggestions to help decide on the official book cover for “Heaven’s Ant Farm.” Well, I got more than I bargained. I ended up ditching the original prototype cover AND I ended up changing the name of the book. I didn’t see that last one coming! Here’s the finished version of the winning new book cover developed by my UK illustrator, Jon Stubbington. As an…

What’s That Book About…Again??

At 34,527 feet somewhere over Greenland, I’m working on my 15 second elevator speech to have at the ready. I have always found it hard to describe what Heaven’s Ant Farm is about. There is so much to say and so little time to say it. And there is always the ever present danger of the dreaded “glaze effect.” You know, when the eyes of the afflicted takes on a frosty catatonic look as I dive…

Yahweh’s Sadness

Here is a summary of the fourth chapter from Heaven’s Ant Farm. Click here for a synopsis or click here to see the agent query letter for a brief description of this science fiction novel. Let me know what you think! Chapter 4- Yahweh’s Sadness Judge Jehoel, the senior elder of the Grand Council of Heaven summons Lucifer to explain himself. But Lucifer defies the high court. He accuses Heaven of breaking the Sixth Rule of Life by interfering…

Synopsis of Heaven’s Ant Farm

Here’s a summary of what’s going on in my SciFi novel Heaven’s Ant Farm. Three thousand years after the Holy Nuclear War nearly destroyed it, Heaven is a sunny and warm place, a place free and open to all. A place where devotion to science and technology has dethroned religion. It’s a place governed by just six rules. And the most important of these laws is the Sixth Rule of Life—thou shalt not interfere in other…

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