MILK RUN- Bones of the Story

bonesMy new scifi novel, MILK RUN is at the beginning stages of development. I plan to do at least two things differently from what I did with GOD GAMES.

First is structure. So far, I’ve established the seven major elements of a classic three-act story for MILK RUN—inciting incident, first act turn, midpoint, low point, second act turn, climax, and wrap-up. This is sort of like laying down the bones (as John Robert Marlow calls it) for the novel. Next, I began to put meat on dem bones starting with character arcs for each of the seven elements. I’m now adding story beat lines, which will eventually turn into proses. When I was writing GOD GAMES, I used the brute force method—just jumped right in starting at chapter one and kept on writing until I came to a logical conclusion. At the time, there was so much in my head that I just needed to get it into the iPhone (yes, I do my best writing in trains, planes and a on soft hammock out back). Then I forced everything to fit into those seven structural elements. That was not easy! The benefit of hindsight now tells me that was ass backwards, like putting drapes on the windows of a house—before it’s built! This structure first approach probably will not work for all writers but I’m an engineer and I think in those terms.

Now the second change is input. You see, GOD GAMES (an upside down religious sci-fi) had no contribution from anyone, save for a few close friends. As a card carrying introvert, that’s how I wanted it. But this time, MILK RUN will be more of a “crowd sourced” effort with feedback from anyone who wants to influence the story’s action, themes, etc. Yes, too many cooks can spoil the gumbo but let’s see how this goes.

This is where you come in. Every other week or so, I will post what I’m writing in its raw form as described above. I invite you all to read what I’ve created and give me your input. Is there too little action or too much? Are the characters believable? Is the science driving the action and story background way off base?

Click here to see the story action behind the first bone—the Inciting Incident.

Click here to see the story action behind the second bone—the First Act Turn.

Click here to see the story action behind the third bone—the Mid Point.

Click here to see the story action behind the fourth bone—the Low Point.

Click here to see the story action behind the fifth bone—the Second Act Turn.

Click here to see the story action behind the sixth bone—the Climax.

Click here to see the story action behind the sixth bone—the Wrap-Up.

Now, while I make more changes to this blog, feel free to sing along with this little YouTube ditty.