The Three Most Important Things for A Good SciFi Story- Part 3

So, in my last two posts, I showed you two of the most important things required for a good Science Fiction story: A Bad Romance and A Good Travel Agent.  Together these two elements tell us what’s troubling our hero or heroine; shows us the struggle they must endure to achieve their goal; and allows us to empathize with their pain and disappointments.  So, what’s the third critical thing for a good SciFi story? What…

The Three Most Important Things for A Good Science Fiction Story- Part 1

There are lots of things that go into writing a good SciFi, well any story really. The plot, the research, the background stories, the hidden agendas of the characters (and the author), the structure of the story (you know…the three acts thing). One can go on and on and on. But of all the things that make a good story, what are the three most important elements? What are those three critical ingredients that is…