A Heavenly Stroll

Here’s a scene that describes what Heaven looks like. . . along with a hint of trouble ahead.   In Heaven’s northern hemisphere sits its largest continent, a vast and open parkopolis filled with tall grass, green shade trees, and red, purple, and yellow flower beds. Sweet, aromatic foliage surrounds an assortment of villas dotting the grassland. Some look like large white domes, others like yellow polygons, while still others feature the traditional red brick…

QUEST- It’s How You Get Around In Heaven

Actually, it’s called ‘zapping’ around in Heaven.   You zap to anywhere you want to go. No need for planes, trains or automobiles.   Trekkies use a ‘transporter’ to beam to and from a spaceship. But once you get to Heaven, you use the Quantum Entanglement Substance Teleportation (QUEST) satellite network to zap around to any place you want on the planet or the stars for that matter—without losing his lunch. QUEST technology is based on real…

Korbibtor—who dat?

In GOD GAMES, Korbibtor was the god of Heaven and its main religion before the Holy Nuclear War nearly destroyed that world. In ancient Heaven, getting food and shelter was erratic and unpredictably subject to the whims of nature. Religion was born as a way to explain the unexplainable, understand the purpose of humankind and pay homage to the gods. Its success produced a common understanding and thinking among the people who practiced rituals to please…

So What’s The Deal With Yahweh?

Many people have asked me this question, since my book sort of turns everything upside down.    So here it is… In “Heaven’s Ant Farm,” Professor Yahweh Tabbris is a short, spindly and rumpled physics professor.  He’s not the omnipotent God described in the bible. Instead, Yahweh fears his nemesis, the brawny, smooth talking Professor Lucifer Deville. But the wimpish Yahweh must also control an anger that always churns just below the surface. In “Heaven’s Ant Farm,”…

Here’s What Inflated Our Universe

Earlier, I talked about pigeon poop and the big bang that inflated our universe. I left off with the question what actually caused inflation that expanded our universe?  Well, here’s one idea from my sci-fi book GOD GAMES that explains the whole thing. In Heaven, Yahweh and his follow scientists tinker with a stillborn universe they’ve discovered.  It’s just two inches in diameter and located one thousandth of an inch away from them but along a…

Pigeon Poop Results In Echoes From The Big Bang

On March 17, 2014, scientists announced the discovery of what they believe to be the faint gravitational echo of the Big Bang. The discovery is based on cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) observations by the “Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization” (Bicep-2) telescope at the south pole. So what does pigeon poop have to do with this?  Well, if it were not for pigeons, we would never have known about the CMB radiation in the first place. …

What is the Essense of Life?

In his web article, C. Terry Warner says that “agency refers both to the capacity of beings to act for themselves and their accountability for those actions.”  But what the heck are “beings?”  What gives rise to this self-awareness that is constantly challenged with choice and consequence? In “The Ant Farm,” the Deville character challenges Yahweh on his question.  But Yahweh and the society he lives in no longer believes the religious answer to this question.…

Seven Scientific Concepts of “The Ant Farm”

“The Ant Farm” explores the philosophical aspects of an advanced scientific society with deep roots in religion. But driving the story line is science, which I boiled down into seven basic concepts. While they start out following accepted scientific thought, these ideas expand out to uncharted territories. Take a look and let me know what you think. Entangled particles interact in such a way that measuring one enables you to tell something about the properties…

In the Beginning…

When was that? Some religious folks might say that was 6 thousand years ago when a lonely guy got a bright idea to create something to keep him company. Stephen Hawkins would probably disagree favoring something like 13 billion years ago and the method of creation was more of a big bang. Then again, Prof. Paul Steinhardt (Princeton University) would probably describe it more as a big smash than a big bang between universes that…